Sunday, November 11, 2007

32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

This week's Catena is supplemented with an excerpt from the Catechism of the Catholic Church on the resurrection. Not to take away at all from the depth of the Father's comments on this Gospel. Just the opposite. The juxtaposition demonstrates how much of our catechesis is an echo of the Fathers.

I was surprised by the number of errors in the Newman-team translation this week. There are always a couple in any given selection, not to mention several infelicitous turns of phrase (by today's standards), but this week's sets a record. Castitas, for example, gets translated as charity. The term "faculty" gets inserted into a sentence, rendering it impossible to understand. What is "faculty discourse"? And so on. I sincerely hope that those who are republishing Newman's translation go over it with a fine toothed comb. Actually, we should, with all due respect to the great work of Newman's team, re-translate the entire Catena.

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